Photos for Life: Pro Life High School Photography Contest

THANK YOU for your interest in the St. Peter Respect Life Committee’s inaugural high school student photography contest, Photos for Life. Our intention is to give pro-life students the opportunity to reflect on their pro-life values and then, photograph and share images that express these values in the world around them.

Photo Submission Form

The Photos for Life 2025 contest is now closed.
Thank you to all who entered!
Everyone is welcome to the Photo Exhibition where all entries will be displayed.

Guidelines, Criteria, and Procedures

  • Contest is open to all Students in Grades 9 – 12 residing or attending school in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia (a map of the Archdiocese can be found here).

  • All photos must be original and created by the student. NO AI photos will be accepted.

  • Photos can be taken with any kind of camera, including smartphones.

  • Photos do not have to be taken specifically for this photo contest. They can be from any time, past or present, as long as they fit within one of the themes listed below.

  • Photos will be accepted in one of two categories:
    • Traditional Photo, for photos that have no editing, with the exception of cropping, color balance, black & white
    • Enhanced Photo, for photos that have been digitally enhanced using photo editing software

  • Photos must address one of the following 3 Themes:
    1. Witnessing to the Sanctity of Life
    2. Pro Life from Womb to Tomb
    3. I am the Pro Life Generation

  • Each submission must be accompanied by a brief Artist’s Statement (100 words or less) that explains how the photo corresponds to the chosen theme.

  • Submissions should not include images or promote themes that are contrary to the teachings of the Catholic Church. Submissions will be accepted and displayed at the discretion of the St. Peter Respect Life Committee.

  • Digital photo along with an entry form must be submitted online by February 15th, 2025. There is a $10.00 entry fee per submission which covers printing and mounting. Limit 3 entries per person.
    • Image size should be 3000 pixels on the long edge and 300dpi
    • Judging will be based on the digital entry not on the printed version

  • Photos will be judged on creativity, originality, composition, technique and how well it corresponds to and expresses the chosen theme.

  • Entries will be displayed and winners will be announced at a reception to be held at the St. Peter Celebration Center, West Brandywine, PA on March 29, 2025.

  • Prizes will be awarded  as follows:
    • Grand Prize $250
    • First Prize Traditional Photo $150
    • First Prize Enhanced Photo $150
    • Honorable Mentions will be awarded at the judges’ discretion.

To receive updates regarding the photo contest, please submit your email below.

QUESTIONS??? Contact artforlifecomp at gmail dot com